Applications using EPICS: Invated, contributed, lightning talks 2
- Roland Müller (HZB)
Bluesky is a mini-ecosystem of co-developed but individually useful Python libraries for experiment control and data acquisition, management, and access. The project is developed and maintained by a multi-facility collaboration. The core includes a high-level hardware abstraction above EPICS, an experiment orchestration engine, a formally-defined schema for streaming data and metadata, and...
Accelerator operation and commissioning requires periodic execution of machine characterization measurements. At BESSY II these tasks were based on legacy code or scripts using the epics.PV python module. Using bluesky and ophyd the measurement plan can be separated from device handling and device artifact mitigation.
We report on our experience on encapsulating accelerator devices next to...
Machine Learning tools are becoming part of the optimisation and control toolset at large-scale user facility such as the light source BESSY II (operated by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin). The topic of this talk is the application of model-free Deep Reinforcement Learning agents for the mitigation of orbit perturbations (variations with respect to the ideal trajectory of the particles) in the...
GUIs promote science by making it easier for beamline users to conduct experiments and visualize data. But in order for a GUI to be worth the time investment, it should be easy and quick for beamline staff and support staff to develop and maintain. At the ESM beamline at NSLS-II, we were able to easily create a comprehensive beamline-specific GUI for Bluesky (an EPICS data collection...
An update from the Phoebus and CS-Studio Collaboration on the latest developments and improvements.
A new version of the Online logbook service. Adoption of new storage solutions like elastic and mongodb the service has improved scalability and reliability along with more powerful search functionality.
Science and industry ask for faster microscopy techniques to resolve dynamic processes at the atomic scale. Prominent research examples include catalytic reactions at surfaces, corrosion processes and semiconductor devices. Conventional imaging with a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) takes several minutes per frame. We developed a new high-speed STM that can acquire a single frame in less...
The EPICS Archiver Appliance is an implementation of an archiver for EPICS control systems that aims to archive millions of PVs. This presentation covers a brief overview of the archiver appliance and some recent changes.
This presentation will show the design principles and various use cases of the ELog electronic logbook. This software is used in many labs worldwide as a replacement of the traditional paper logbook, with the emphasis of shift operation. It is available as open source under the Gnu public license.
A new Logbook client API to let Phoebus interact with the Elog electronic Logbook.
PShell is a scripting environment for experiments developed at PSI with strong support for EPICS. PShell is being used for commissioning of the PINK beamline at BESSY II in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (MPI-CEC).
Mobile internet and web application are the most popular technologies in the modern society. In China, the WeChat instant messaging application is the dominated instant messaging application. WeChat enterprise account provides access paths to specified web applications and can push notifications sent to the users as regular chat message. In CSNS, the Wechat enterprise account was used as the...
ITER Dashboard provides an in live visualization tool of data during commissioning and operation. It is a web application accessible from standard computer and mobile devices. User can easily setup a dashboard composed of different widgets such as plots or table using drag and drop and inline editing. Solution is based on React, RXjs, Plotly, Express, Node.js and C++.
Remote participation to experiments poses the challenge of allowing users connected from all around the world real-time access to the control room screens. The risks that have to be handled come into two categories:
1) IT security risks
2) Operation risks
The EPICS Data Diode was developed as a mechanism to allow running OPIs in a guaranteed read-only fashion on a computer network separated...