EVENT NAME Epics Collaboration Meeting 2020 EVENT DATE: THURSDAY, 22 OCTOBER 2020 EVENT BY: HEINZ JUNKES ----------------------------------------------- EVENT CHAT [2020-10-22 16:00:55] [James Kohl - ORNL/SNS] Thanks Karen. Can you please post the date here in the chat...? :-) [2020-10-22 16:01:59] [Heinz Junkes] I will do, will put the info to the indico page [2020-10-22 16:02:03] [Karen White] ICALEPCS 2021 [2020-10-22 16:02:12] [Karen White] October 16-22, 2021 [2020-10-22 16:02:24] [James Kohl - ORNL/SNS] Thanks! :-) [2020-10-22 16:04:44] [Patrick Oppermann] please use the attende link if you are not a presenter https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/live-event/hdvqeypx [2020-10-22 16:36:39] [Courtney C] I had used the attendee link and it kept pushing me through the presenter side. I have been using that link all week. [2020-10-22 16:39:51] [Patrick Oppermann] blue jeans seems to have a life of its own. If you want to ask questions, I can make you a presenter anytime. [2020-10-22 16:42:10] [Pierre Schnizer] The number of active PV's depeends on ypur detectors / ophyd devices that your are using. [2020-10-22 16:42:19] [Pierre Schnizer] That's at least my experience [2020-10-22 16:42:21] [Pierre Schnizer] Pierre [2020-10-22 17:10:09] [Ralph] Presenters can only answer in Q&A. Attendees can only ask questions in Q&A. Pretty authoritarian, but... [2020-10-22 17:10:58] [Daniel Allan] Haha, I guessed as much. Forgive me for unilaterally un-muting to jump in. :-D [2020-10-22 17:12:54] [Heinz Junkes] That was totally right. Presenters may do that ;-) [2020-10-22 17:13:29] [Ralph] BlueJeans thinks all moderators are smart and all attendees are stupid. It's one view of the world, I guess. [2020-10-22 17:28:33] [Daniel Allan] Very cool stuff, Luis! [2020-10-22 17:29:02] [Luis Vera Ramirez] Thanks, Daniel! :-) [2020-10-22 17:33:03] [Roland Mueller] @Ralph I did not know that BlueJeans actually thinks :) [2020-10-22 17:33:54] [Ralph] AI based analysis of the talk contents. [2020-10-22 17:42:11] [Michael Pohlen] I don't see the presentation anymore :-( [2020-10-22 17:42:12] [Hugo Slepicka] Is the screen share disabled? I can only hear the voice [2020-10-22 17:42:21] [Hugo Slepicka] oh, good! I was not the only one! :D [2020-10-22 17:42:32] [Michael Pohlen] Thanks its back. [2020-10-22 17:42:33] [Pete Jemian] It's back, thanks. [2020-10-22 17:46:42] [Roland Mueller] @Alex Sobahni please answer the too late available questions in the Q&A. Thanks. [2020-10-22 17:59:10] [Ben Smith] At PPPL we are transitioning from medm to Phoebus and the conversion tool is very good. Saving us an awful lot of time! Thanks for the talk [2020-10-22 18:00:43] [Markus Kristensson] Bad connection, but I heard up to creating an issue ticket, I'll do that. :) [2020-10-22 18:03:08] [Kay] phoebus manual section on converters: https://control-system-studio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/app/display/convert-medm/doc/index.html [2020-10-22 18:03:20] [Joerg Penning] thanks kunal, great talk [2020-10-22 18:33:45] [Vishnu] Thanks Kunal, It's very informative talk. [2020-10-22 18:39:34] [Alex Sobhani] Thanks Roland [2020-10-22 18:43:18] [Timo Korhonen] Thanks Murali, great talk! [2020-10-22 18:48:39] [Pedro Gigoux] Great talk. thank you! [2020-10-22 19:22:21] [Kunal Shroff] https://github.com/ControlSystemStudio/phoebus/tree/master/app/logbook/elog [2020-10-22 19:22:21] [Daniel Allan] Looks really nice. [2020-10-22 19:23:07] [Kunal Shroff] elog implementation in phoebus https://github.com/ControlSystemStudio/phoebus/tree/master/app/logbook/elog [2020-10-22 19:25:19] [Tasha] Can you remind us how to access the recorded talks? [2020-10-22 19:30:56] [Sven Pokrzykowski] https://indico.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/event/52/timetable/#20201022 [2020-10-22 19:32:01] [Sven Pokrzykowski] detailed view -> select an talk, and select "talk" thats the video [2020-10-22 19:32:58] [Tasha] Thank you Sven! [2020-10-22 19:33:09] [Sven Pokrzykowski] :-) [2020-10-22 19:33:31] [Andrew Johnson] @Tasha you can also click the paper-clip against each item and look for a "Talk" link in the pop-up. [2020-10-22 19:35:11] [Maren Hauschildt-Purves] Very low volume [2020-10-22 19:35:36] [Patrick Oppermann] the individual talks will be uploaded tomorrow morning, tonight there will be a link in the normal view to the blue jeans page and there you will find all talks together. [2020-10-22 19:42:30] [Pete Jemian] What are the dates of the ICALEPCS meeting hosted by SSRF? [2020-10-22 19:43:01] [Andrew Johnson] October 16-22, 2021 [2020-10-22 19:43:10] [Pete Jemian] Thanks! [2020-10-22 19:43:24] [Zumbruch, Peter] Karen White 4 hrs ago October 16-22, 2021 [2020-10-22 19:59:57] [Daniel Allan] Question for Davy (which as a presenter I cannot ask in the Q&A): How was your experience with plotly? [2020-10-22 20:00:23] [Daniel Allan] Additionally, did you have an occasion to work with plotly's image / image stack plotting at all? [2020-10-22 20:03:57] [Daniel Allan] We'll all collectively figure out remote experiments just after we figure out remote presentations. :-D [2020-10-22 20:04:23] [Sven Pokrzykowski] :-) [2020-10-22 20:10:13] [Davy Dequidt] @Daniel: Plotly.js lib is really well documented and easy to integrate. I add to do some tweak to fit the need but not so much especially to avoid to many refresh when the data rate is fast (>10Hz). [2020-10-22 20:10:26] [Daniel Allan] Giuseppe, I think this is pretty cool. A possibly related scheme I have thought would be fun but might never get around to doing is using https://h11.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ and https://caproto.github.io/caproto to build an EPICS--HTTP bridge. [2020-10-22 20:11:49] [Ernest Williams] Cheers [2020-10-22 20:11:51] [Ernest Williams] Prost!! [2020-10-22 20:11:54] [Daniel Allan] Cheers! [2020-10-22 20:12:06] [Zumbruch, Peter] Thank you very much. [2020-10-22 20:12:06] [Andrew Johnson] πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸΊπŸ» [2020-10-22 20:12:07] [Cristina] Thanks a lot!! [2020-10-22 20:12:08] [Pierre Schnizer] Congratulations to the organisers! [2020-10-22 20:12:12] [Joerg Penning] Prost Heinz und danke! [2020-10-22 20:12:15] [Maren Hauschildt-Purves] Thank you for organizing! [2020-10-22 20:12:20] [Maurizio Montis] Thanks a lot for the great online event! [2020-10-22 20:12:26] [Murali Shankar] Congragulations! Thank you so much for this event. [2020-10-22 20:12:28] [Pedro Gigoux] Thank you! [2020-10-22 20:12:37] [John Kuroda] Thanks! -----------------------------------------------