19–23 Oct 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

RTEMS Past, Present and Future

21 Oct 2020, 19:30
https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/live-event/hdvqeypx (Fritz-Haber-Institut)



BlueJeans Event https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/live-event/hdvqeypx
Standard Talk EPICS base EPICS base


Mr Chris Johns (Contemporary Software)Mr Joel Sherrill (OAR Corporation)


RTEMS is a free, open source, real-time operating system that supports
multiple standards and includes support for multiple space-hardened
microprocessors. RTEMS is commonly used in space applications and has
a long history of successful deployment in critical applications.
This presentation focuses on areas of the RTEMS Development Roadmap
of interest to the flight software community.

Of interest to the EPICS community is RTEMS 5 and what is contain, the RTEMS ecosystem, deployment and RTEMS and EPICS Integration.

Primary authors

Mr Chris Johns (Contemporary Software) Mr Joel Sherrill (OAR Corporation)

Presentation materials