Interoperation between the ITER Control, Data Access and Communication (CODAC) Supervision (SUP) software components relies on EPICS 7 pvAccess protocol. Prototyping work carried out in 2018-2019 has confirmed that EPICS 7 pvAccess protocol meets the objectives; several shortcoming related to Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and tools support have been documented and presented at the June 2019 EPICS Collaboration Meeting.
PVXS announcement in March 2020 triggered another evaluation in the specific context of CODAC SUP software implementation, and a partial porting exercise away from pvDataCPP and pvAccessCPP has been initiated. The porting has been facilitated thanks to the systematic use of bridge pattern and dependency injection in the CODAC SUP software. The recent inclusion of PVXS in the ITER CODAC Core System base and the positive results of the porting exercise have confirmed the partial adoption of PVXS for the future developments of the CODAC SUP components and services.
This presentation aims at reporting on the lessons learnt during the migration to PVXS and the consequently improved software quality metrics.