Oct 19 – 23, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

EPICS for the Small Laboratory

Oct 20, 2020, 7:30 PM
https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/live-event/hdvqeypx (Fritz-Haber-Institut)



BlueJeans Event https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/live-event/hdvqeypx
EPICS for Industries EPICS for Industries


Mark Rivers (University of Chicago)


EPICS is widely used at large facilities such as accelerators and telescopes, but it is also well-suited to use in much smaller facilities. In this talk I will describe the use of EPICS in two of our small laboratories.

A Raman lab where EPICS is used to control:

  • 5 lasers
  • 15 motors with 3 different types of motor controllers
  • Communication with PLC for laser safety system
  • 2 FLIR/Point Grey cameras with areaDetector
  • Princeton Instruments PIXIS camera and optical spectrometer controlled with their LightField program and areaDetector

An x-ray lab where EPICS is used to control:
- 8 motors with Delta Tau controller
- Counter/timer module from Measurement Computing
- FLIR/Point Grey camera with areaDetector for LEED system
- Granville Phillips GP307 vacuum gauge controller
- Varian ion pump controllers
- SPEC is used to collect the data, talking to EPICS

The talk will describe the EPICS drivers for a number of these devices, as well as the user interface.

Primary author

Mark Rivers (University of Chicago)

Presentation materials