Mar 4 – 9, 2018
Europe/Berlin timezone

Welcome to the web page of the Winter School on Ultrafast Processes in Condensed Matter 2018 - WUPCOM'18

The meeting will take place on the Winklmoosalm in the Bavarian alps. The workshop covers experimental and theoretical work on ultrafast phenomena in solids, heterostructures and nanoscale materials.

The spirit of the event is close to an informal workshop with all participants contributing 35 min oral presentations (including 10 min of discussion).

For registration and abstract submission, an indico account is required. This will allow you to manage your submission through this page. You will be prompted to create an account at the start of the registration or submission process.

Invited speakers:

  • Denis Golez, University Fribourg
  • Ermin Malic, Chalmers University
  • Sefan Mathias, Göttingen
  • Davide Sangalli, ISM Rome
Dürrnbachhornweg 6 83242 Reit im Winkl