EVENT NAME Epics Collaboration Meeting 2020 EVENT DATE: WEDNESDAY, 21 OCTOBER, 2020 - 04:00 PM to 10:00 AM EVENT BY: HEINZ JUNKES Posted Questions [10:03 AM] Maren Hauschildt-Purves asked : I'd like to ask for a recommendation to replace a motor/controller that has clean ASCII communications, not sure at this point how many axes 0 upvote | 3 answers | 3 replies Heinz Junkes answered - Freddy is using galil, they are moving to beckhoff Maren Hauschildt-Purves replied - We need tracking on that one, it is basically an image rotator Maren Hauschildt-Purves replied - Was trying to download and open but apparently nothing is happening Maren Hauschildt-Purves replied - OK, says it is installing Heinz Junkes answered - Are you using chrome? Freddie Akeroyd answered - We use the ADS library to communicate with Beckhoff, but it is not an ascii protocol as such. We moved to Beckhoff because of the additional functionality it can provide. The EPICS mailing list may be a good place to post for general recommendations on motors with an ASCII protocol, I only have experience with Galil