19–23 Feb 2018
Schloss Ringberg am Tegernsee
Europe/Berlin timezone

About Catalytically Active Sites

22 Feb 2018, 11:00
Schloss Ringberg am Tegernsee

Schloss Ringberg am Tegernsee


Prof. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven (ETH Zurich / Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)


Catalysts often consist of nano-sized catalyst particles on an support. It has been recognized since long that the role of the support is not only to stabilize the catalytically active particles of particular size, shape and composition, but that they may actively participate in the catalytic reaction. Specific reaction steps may occur completely on the support or at the metal-support interface. In other cases, the support may be responsible for the communication between different catalytic entities by stabilizing and facilitating transport of species over its surface, a process called spillover.

In my talk, I will describe some of our contributions in this field. Ceria is an often-used catalyst support and catalytic material because of its ability to reversibly store oxygen. Thus, in oxidation reactions, oxygen activation may occur on ceria and the reaction at the interface of metal and support. The role of $\rm Ce^{3+}$ is often invoked to explain catalytic activity, however, a quantitative understanding of its role is lacking. Using transient X-ray emission and absorption spectroscopy, we were able to distinguish between $\rm Ce^{3+}$ that participates in a catalytic cycle, oxidation of carbon monoxide over $\rm Pt/CeO_2$, and $\rm Ce^{3+}$ that does not contribute to catalytic conversion and is thus a spectator. The reaction takes place at the metal-support interface and the rate of reaction correlates to the rate of ceria reduction, not the oxygen storage capacity.

Spillover of hydrogen over reducible and non-reducible supports is often suggested to be responsible for a catalytic action at a distance. To quantify the phenomenon of hydrogen spillover, we designed a supported metal catalyst, which contains platinum and iron oxide particles with a distance that is controlled to a nanometer. The further development of single-particle spectroscopy enabled visualization of the phenomenon of hydrogen spillover. As expected, hydrogen atoms can freely move over a titania surface as electron-proton pair. On alumina, the situation is more complex and a gradient of hydrogen coverage away from the platinum particle is observed. The strong competition of water with the same adsorption sites, make the occurrence of hydrogen spillover over an alumina surface much less likely.

Primary author

Prof. Jeroen A. van Bokhoven (ETH Zurich / Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)

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